Dryden Farms

I feel like I am a little late to the party with my December blog, however we had a much-needed break for Christmas. It was lovely and relaxed, and we all thoroughly enjoyed our KellyBronze turkey on Christmas day!

We only had a few days off though, as we had our bed and breakfast pigs leaving us and moving to a new farm between Christmas and New Year. This is always a manic time, and I think we got them all loaded onto the lorry in record time, but then had the mammoth task of mucking out the shed, and jet washing it! It always makes me giggle, how my husband is not the keenest to help with the housework but will happily spend 3 days jet washing the pig shed, and all the feeders and drinkers! I will not even mention the amount of clothes that need washing after this job!!! That said, the shed looks fabulous, and in the last few days, we have had our latest arrival of piglets, which are very cute and keeping us on our toes!

The run up to Christmas was very busy on the farm with us getting all of our turkeys prepared for collection. We had a super team, and what can often be a cold and dull job was a lot of fun. As I have mentioned before, we would not be the business we are without our staff, and we are so lucky to have a great team of people who join us for our busiest periods.

Our Christmas turkey collections were a huge success, and it was so wonderful to see all of our customers. I was a little anxious about this with it being my first year taking over from Judith, but it was wonderful. I have received some fabulous feedback and I am already looking forward to next year. We sold out of turkeys in November which was a record for us, so I am going to increase the amount I rear next year to hopefully avoid any disappointment come ordering time! Huge thanks to all of our customers old and new. I very much look forward to seeing you all again later this year!

On a side note, due to a couple of cancelled orders on Christmas Eve, I do have a handful of frozen turkeys now available for purchase, 2 whole birds and some 3kg crowns. Please get in touch if you wish to reserve one for Easter or Thanksgiving. These will be sold at a discounted rate due to them being frozen.

On an exciting note, two days before Christmas we took delivery of our beautiful new tractor: a Case Puma 220. She is fabulous and will be a real asset to our fleet. Richard is very much looking forward to putting her to work with the seed drill. I am told she has so many lights on her, we will certainly see him coming! We purchased the tractor from Paxtons, and they were fabulous as always. The after service is great, with them being on hand to troubleshoot and also spoiling Martin and Richard with some very snazzy new overalls and workwear!

Having temporarily stopped our lamb boxes for the Christmas period, we are now gearing up for our next batch, which will be ready at the end of this month. We sell a ‘half lamb’ box for £85. An average half lamb box weighs 9kg, and each box comprises of the following cuts: 1 x full leg of lamb, 2 x Victoria boneless shoulder roasting joints, 7 x cutlets, 5 x T-bone chops, 4 x leg steaks and 2 x packs of mince. Liver and kidney is also included if required. Your lamb will be beautifully presented in a box, fully labelled and all cuts are vacuum packed to promote freshness, increasing the shelf life of the meat and improving tenderness. Please do get in touch if you wish to place an order.

Until next month.

Wishing everyone all the best and a very Happy New Year,

Martin, Judith, Richard, Tanza & George